Wednesday, April 17, 2013

From the beginning...

 In February, Steve began to cultivate the seeds for many of the plants to be grow in the garden.  Our basement was transformed into a nursery as tiny seeds were put into trays of rich soil. During the germinating and early growth, the trays started out on a heating pad with grow lights set on a timer. The baby plants were monitored everyday for water, and after several weeks, each little plant was transplanted from the tray into a 2 inch pot. Our basement has been filled with broccoli, cauliflower, zinnias, lavender, shasta daisies, celosia, calendula, peppers, celery, and of course tomatoes -4 varieties. After the initial   growing in the basement, there is a transition time to the cold frame. A cold frame is like a mini greenhouse!    Steve  built this lovely way station to  prepare the plants for their final growing spot in the ground. They adjust to the outdoor temperatures but remain protected from wind, cold, and heavy rain. Now that the air temperatures are warming and the chance of frost almost gone, these plants will soon be placed in the ground where they will take off!

Under the lights!

Lots of baby tomato plants!
Tomato plants in the next phase!

Getting a dose of sunshine in the cold frame

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