Memorial Day is a time to honor and remember those who have lost their lives in military service. It is hard to comprehend the sacrifices our soldiers and their families make in protecting our freedom. Some, like my high school friend, Claire Estiponal, give the ultimate sacrifice. Her son JJ, a private in the Marine Corp, lost his young life in Afghanistan last year. I feel great humility as I offer gratitude to Claire and all the families whose loss is for all of us.
As I look out over our beautiful gardens I see the new growth taking hold. I see the beautiful cycle of life that surrounds us. If we prepare the soil, nurture the seedlings, and water and weed with care, in a remarkably short period of time, we are rewarded with a bounty of sustenance for the body and soul. It reminds me that whatever we do on this earth, if we do it with honor, care, and respect, then it is a job well-done.
To JJ and all the soldiers protecting us, thank you for your honor, your courage, and always a job well done!