Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring has Sprung!

Wow! What a busy winter we have had at Rising Fawn Gardens. The biggest project completed was a 20' x 96' hoop house. We built the hoop house as a means to bring our customers our best, fresh produce for a longer season. All of the hoop house plants began from seeds tenderly nurtured through the late winter under grow lights. Once the transplants were delivered to the rich soil in the hoop house, they totally took off! Within weeks, vibrant green plants are now ready to harvest and enjoy!
                             Steve and our granddaughter Sarah Claire...sweet

Our first lettuces, spinach, and radishes are ready to harvest, and the bush beans and tomatoes are growing everyday. Out in the fields, planting is underway as well. First, Steve planted garlic, onions, snow peas, carrots, and beets. The next wave of planting included various greens, lettuces, herbs, nasturtium, and four types of potatoes! Stay tuned for more planting and harvesting info!

 Yes! Spring has officially arrived in the gardens! We will harvest our first pick of spinach, baby mixed lettuces, sorrel, Asian greens and radishes on Wednesday and  bring our bounty to the Main Street Farmers Market  that day (April 18) from 4-6 pm.
Please come see us and enjoy the pleasure of buying and eating food fresh from our garden to your table!

Check out the link to the Main St Farmers Market for all the market details!

Gardening is about enjoying the smell of things growing in the soil, getting dirty without feeling guilty, and generally taking the time to soak up a little peace and serenity.  ~Lindley Karstens,